FDOT CVO Mainline Screening Roles and Responsibilities
This area includes all the roles and responsibilities that have been identified for the FDOT CVO Mainline Screening project.
Service Packages
- Private Commercial Vehicle and Fleet Operators
Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate with FDOT Scales and Inspection Facilities for enforcement of CV violations.
- Operates Commercial Vehicles and freight containers on Florida roadways.
- Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
Roles and Responsibilities
- Allows participating transponder equipped CVO to bypass designated weigh stations and port-of entry facilities.
- Collects information from the commercial vehicle credentialing and tax systems to generate portions of the interstate carrier, vehicle, and driver snapshots and reports for exchange within the state (e.g., to roadside sites) and with the SAFER system.
- Issues commercial vehicle licenses, vehicle registrations, and administers fuel taxes for Florida-based commercial vehicles.
- Provides information on a carriers International Registration Plan (IRP) and International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA).
- FDOT State Maintenance Office
Roles and Responsibilities
- Collects current road restrictions.
- Issues oversize and overweight permits for commercial vehicles.
- Operate FDOT Scales and Inspection Facilities, including static scales and weigh-in-motion facilities that are or will be equipped with ITS electronic clearance and safety inspection equipment.
- Provides information on permits that have been issued to improve highway safety and operating efficiency.
- Provides permit information to all patrol vehicles.
- Provides supplemental inspection services such as expedited brake inspections, the use of operator hand-held devices, mobile screening sites, on-board safety database access, and the enrollment of vehicles and carriers in the electronic clearance program.
- Provides warnings to the commercial vehicle drivers, their fleet managers, and proper authorities of any safety problems that have been identified, accessing and examining historical safety data, and automatically deciding whether to allow the vehicle to
- Supports automated vehicle identification at mainline speeds for credential checking, roadside safety inspections, and weigh-in-motion.
- IRP Inc
Roles and Responsibilities
- Facilitates the electronic exchange and reconciliation of registration information and fees among jurisdictions under the International Registration Plan (the Plan).
- Provides for payment of license fees on the basis of fleet miles operated in various jurisdictions under a registration reciprocity agreement among jurisdictions in the United States and Canada.
- FDOT Motor Carrier Size and Weight (MCSAW) Work Unit
Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate FDOT Scales and Inspection Facilities, including static scales and weigh-in-motion facilities that are or will be equipped with ITS electronic clearance and safety inspection equipment.
Last Updated 2/6/2025