Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
Description: The Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles promotes a safe driving environment through law enforcement, public education and service, reduction of traffic crashes, titling and registering of motor vehicles and vessels, licensing motor vehicle operators, and regulation of motor vehicle exhaust.
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Archived Data Management for Florida Statewide Services ITS Architecture
- Archive crash data records from FHP, county sheriffs, and local police.
- Accesses FHP CAD information for a broad range of uses (e.g. planning, research, analysis, operations).
- Collects FHP CAD information for use in the associated system (e.g. databases, models, analytical tools, user interface devices) analyses with their tools.
- Accesses Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) Crash Data for statewide crash records for a broad range of uses (e.g. planning, research, analysis, operations).
- Collects Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) Crash Data for statewide crash records for use in the associated system (e.g. databases, models, analytical tools, user interface devices) analyses with their tools.
Commercial Vehicle Operations for Florida Statewide Services ITS Architecture
- Issues commercial vehicle licenses, vehicle registrations, and administers fuel taxes for Florida-based commercial vehicles.
- Collects information from the commercial vehicle credentialing and tax systems to generate portions of the interstate carrier, vehicle, and driver snapshots and reports for exchange within the state (e.g., to roadside sites) and with the SAFER system.
- Provides information on a carriers International Registration Plan (IRP) and International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA).
- Allows participating transponder equipped CVO to bypass designated weigh stations and port-of entry facilities.
FDOT CV Infrared Brake Check System Roles and Responsibilities
- Scan Commercial Vehicles for overheated brakes.
FDOT CVO Highly Compliant Carriers Bypass Roles and Responsibilities
- Scan Commercial Vehicles for overheated brakes.
- Issues commercial vehicle licenses, vehicle registrations, and administers fuel taxes for Florida-based commercial vehicles.
- Collects information from the commercial vehicle credentialing and tax systems to generate portions of the interstate carrier, vehicle, and driver snapshots and reports for exchange within the state (e.g., to roadside sites) and with the SAFER system.
- Provides information on a carriers International Registration Plan (IRP) and International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA).
- Allows participating transponder equipped CVO to bypass designated weigh stations and port-of entry facilities.
FDOT CVO Mainline Screening Roles and Responsibilities
- Issues commercial vehicle licenses, vehicle registrations, and administers fuel taxes for Florida-based commercial vehicles.
- Collects information from the commercial vehicle credentialing and tax systems to generate portions of the interstate carrier, vehicle, and driver snapshots and reports for exchange within the state (e.g., to roadside sites) and with the SAFER system.
- Provides information on a carriers International Registration Plan (IRP) and International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA).
- Allows participating transponder equipped CVO to bypass designated weigh stations and port-of entry facilities.
FDOT WIM Station Interconnection Roles and Responsibilities
- Issues commercial vehicle licenses, vehicle registrations, and administers fuel taxes for Florida-based commercial vehicles.
- Collects information from the commercial vehicle credentialing and tax systems to generate portions of the interstate carrier, vehicle, and driver snapshots and reports for exchange within the state (e.g., to roadside sites) and with the SAFER system.
- Provides information on a carriers International Registration Plan (IRP) and International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA).
- Allows participating transponder equipped CVO to bypass designated weigh stations and port-of entry facilities.
FHP Resource Position Analysis Support Roles and Responsibilities
- Accesses Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) Crash Data for statewide crash records for a broad range of uses (e.g. planning, research, analysis, operations).
Last Updated 2/6/2025