Type: Enterprise

Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer

The entity that builds the Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE.


Source Coordination Destination
Maint and Constr Vehicle Manufacturer Vehicle Data Access Agreement Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer
Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer Member Application Certification Entity
Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer Member Device Certification Entity
Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer Vehicle Data Access Agreement Maint and Constr Vehicle Manufacturer
Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer Owns Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE
Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer Mobile Component License Agreement Maint and Constr Vehicle Owner
Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer Mobile Component Installation Agreement MCV Infrastructure Monitoring Installer
Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer Application Procurement Agreement MCV Infrastructure Monitoring Provider
Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer Mobile Component Installation Agreement MCV Roadway Maintenance and Construction Installer
Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer Application Procurement Agreement MCV Roadway Maintenance and Construction Provider
Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer Mobile Component Installation Agreement MCV Winter Maintenance Installer
Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer Application Procurement Agreement MCV Winter Maintenance Provider
Maint and Constr Vehicle Owner Mobile Component License Agreement Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer
Maint and Constr Vehicle Owner Warranty Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer
MCV Infrastructure Monitoring Installer Mobile Component Installation Agreement Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer
MCV Infrastructure Monitoring Provider Application Procurement Agreement Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer
MCV Roadway Maintenance and Construction Installer Mobile Component Installation Agreement Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer
MCV Roadway Maintenance and Construction Provider Application Procurement Agreement Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer
MCV Winter Maintenance Installer Mobile Component Installation Agreement Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer
MCV Winter Maintenance Provider Application Procurement Agreement Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE Manufacturer


Interfaces Diagram

Interfaces diagram