Physical Object: Roadside Equipment

RSE Infrastructure Restriction Warning


"RSE Infrastructure Restriction Warning" uses short range communications to warn vehicles of infrastructure dimensional and weight restrictions.

This application object is included in the "Roadside Equipment" physical object.

This application object is related to the "RSE Infrastructure Restriction Warning" enterprise object resource.

This application object is included in the following applications:


Source Physical Object Source Application Object A-Interconnect Destination Physical Object Destination Application Object Bidirectional?
ITS Roadway Equipment Roadway Infrastructure Restriction Warning infrastructure restriction warning Roadside Equipment RSE Infrastructure Restriction Warning False
Roadside Equipment RSE Infrastructure Restriction Warning infrastructure restriction RSE monitoring and control info Traffic Management Center TMC Infrastructure Restriction Warning True
Roadside Equipment RSE Infrastructure Restriction Warning infrastructure restriction warning notification Vehicle OBE Vehicle Roadside Information Reception False
Traffic Management Center TMC Infrastructure Restriction Warning infrastructure restriction RSE monitoring and control info Roadside Equipment RSE Infrastructure Restriction Warning True