Physical Object: Vehicle OBE

Vehicle Gap Assist


"Vehicle Gap Assist" uses V2I communications to collect traffic gap information and associated alerts and warnings that are displayed to the driver who is navigating a stop-sign controlled intersection with a major road.

This application object is included in the "Vehicle OBE" physical object.

This application object is related to the "Vehicle Gap Assist" enterprise object resource.

This application object is included in the following applications:


Source Physical Object Source Application Object A-Interconnect Destination Physical Object Destination Application Object Bidirectional?
Roadside Equipment RSE Traffic Gap Assist traffic gap coordination information Vehicle OBE Vehicle Gap Assist True
Vehicle Databus databus I/O Vehicle OBE Vehicle Gap Assist True
Vehicle OBE Vehicle Gap Assist databus I/O Vehicle Databus True
Vehicle OBE Vehicle Gap Assist driver updates Driver False
Vehicle OBE Vehicle Gap Assist traffic gap coordination information Roadside Equipment RSE Traffic Gap Assist True