Physical Object: Vehicle OBE
Vehicle Payment Service
"Vehicle Payment Service" supports vehicle payments including VMT- and zone-based payments and payments for other services including fuel/charging services. To support VMT-based payment, this application tracks the location of the vehicle at specific times and reports this VMT data along with vehicle identification. A variety of pricing strategies are supported, including strategies that include credits or incentives that reward desired driving patterns and behavior.
This application object is included in the "Vehicle OBE" physical object.
This application object is related to the "Vehicle Payment Service" enterprise object resource.
This application object is included in the following applications:
- 3.1.3: Process Vehicle On-board Data
- Provide Driver with Personal Travel Information
- Provide Driver Information Interface
- 7.1.4: Provide Driver Toll Payment Interface
- 7.1.7: Provide Payment Device Interface for Tolls
- 7.2.7: Provide Payment Device Interface for Parking
- Process Vehicle Electric Charging Payments
- 7.5.1: Provide Vehicle Payment Device Interface
- 7.6.3: Provide Driver Road Use Charging Payment Interface
- 7.6.4: Provide Payment Device Interface for Road Use Charging