Physical Object: Traffic Management Center

TMC Traffic Surveillance


"TMC Traffic Surveillance" remotely monitors and controls traffic sensors and surveillance (e.g., CCTV) equipment, and collects, processes and stores the collected traffic data. Current traffic information and other real-time transportation information is also collected from other centers. The collected information is provided to traffic operations personnel and made available to other centers.

This application object is included in the "Traffic Management Center" physical object.

This application object is related to the "TMC Traffic Surveillance" enterprise object resource.

This application object is included in the following applications:


Source Physical Object Source Application Object A-Interconnect Destination Physical Object Destination Application Object Bidirectional?
Border Inspection System Border Inspection border wait times data Traffic Management Center TMC Traffic Surveillance False
ITS Roadway Equipment Roadway Basic Surveillance traffic sensor data and images Traffic Management Center TMC Traffic Surveillance True
Roadside Equipment RSE Border Management local border wait times Traffic Management Center TMC Traffic Surveillance False
Roadside Equipment RSE Traffic Monitoring traffic monitoring application monitoring and control info Traffic Management Center TMC Traffic Surveillance True
Traffic Management Center TMC Traffic Surveillance situation data collection parameters Roadside Equipment RSE Situation Monitoring False
Traffic Management Center TMC Traffic Surveillance traffic monitoring application monitoring and control info Roadside Equipment RSE Traffic Monitoring True
Traffic Management Center TMC Traffic Surveillance traffic operator interaction Traffic Operations Personnel True
Traffic Management Center TMC Traffic Surveillance traffic sensor data and images ITS Roadway Equipment Roadway Basic Surveillance True
Traffic Operations Personnel traffic operator interaction Traffic Management Center TMC Traffic Surveillance True